Derenthal & Schalk
Business Type: Brewery (NY 77b)
Years of Operation: 1888 to 1904 (possibly until 1910)
Location: 217/219 21st Street, Brooklyn
Description: Henry Derenthal started his own brewery at 30 Webster Place in Brooklyn back in 1874. By 1888 Derenthal started a new brewery w/ business partner Frederick Schalk at a new location at 217/219 21st Street. Together Derenthal & Schalk produced Weiss beer as well as Soda Water, Sarsaparilla & Ginger Ale. There is documentation to show that Derenthal & Schalk were in business until as late as 1910, it can be found in real estate records however that the brewery was demolished in 1910 and replaced with row housing / apartments.