Breitkopf Brewing Company

Business Type: Brewery (NY 156 a & b)

Years of Operation: 1901 to 1903

Location: Jamaica & Pennsylvania Ave’s. Brooklyn

Description: Joseph Breitkopf opened his own brewery in 1901 after a short partnership a few years earlier (1895 to 1897) with brewer Joseph Stehlin (see: Stehlin & Breitkopf Brewery). The Breitkopf Brewery would only last a few years before going out of business in 1903. The same year however the brewing operation at this location was taken over by Adolf Schmidt’s Kloster Brewery

Aqua variation of the Breitkopf Brewing Co. bottle embossed w/ trademark
Amber Breitkopf bottle embossed in round slug plate “JOSEPH BREITKOPF BR’G BROOKLYN NY”
Amber crown top variant of the Breitkopf Brewing Co. bottle.