Conrad Stein’s Brewery

Business Type: Brewery (NY 498 b,c)

Years of Operation: 1867 to 1900

Location: 514-528 West 57th St. Manhattan

Description: Conrad Stein began brewing in partnership with Philip Schaefer in 1864 before starting his own business in 1867. Conrad Stein’s Brewery grew to a decent size and according to brewery sales records Conrad Stein’s sold 50,000 barrels of beer in 1877. Stein passed away in 1900 leaving the business to be run by his two Son’s Conrad (Jr.) & Alexander. At this point the name of the business was changed to Conrad Stein’s Son’s Brewery but it only remained in business until 1903.

This variation has the C.S. monogram trademark of the brewery embossed on the front. Although I have seen this same bottle in a crown top version I believe this design only bottle design produced.
Clear crown top version of the Conrad Stein’s Brewery bottle