Consumers Park Brewing Co
Business Type: Brewery (NY 72 a & b)
Years of Operation: 1897 to 1913
Location: 946-978 Franklin Ave & 124-150 Montgomery St. Brooklyn.
Description: This brewery was founded as a joint venture comprised of Brooklyn bar owners who wanted to profit off the brewing business. The facility was located adjacent to Ebbets field, home to the Brooklyn Dodger’s. Consumers Park brewed Ale’s Lager & Porter, their business grew in popularity selling nearly 100,000 barrels a year during it’s peak. In 1913 Consumer’s Park and another local brewery the New York & Brooklyn Brewing Co. merged to form Interboro Brewing Co. which continued to operate until prohibition. The original building still stands. Below is a link to an article in the “Brooklyn Daily Eagle” from 6/15/16 describing an effort to turn the location into a landmark: “Landmarking push planned for Crown Heights South”