David Mayer Brewing Co

Business Type: Brewery (NY 453 c,d,e)

Years of Operation: 1882 to 1920

Location: 1650 3rd Ave. & 168th St. Bronx

Description: Brewing at this location in Morrisania, Bronx began in 1848 when John Noller opened up his brewery. The business would change hands a few times and eventually be taken over by the David Mayer Brewing Co. in 1882. It seems that the brewery started small and brewed strictly lager beer but over the years began to produce ale’s as well.

This seems to be the most common variation of the David Mayer Brewing Co. bottle. It is embossed with the brewery name and address. This particular example was clear but turned purple after years of sun exposure.
This clear variation of the David Mayer Brewing Co. bottle seems to be less common than the variation above.
Clear, crown top version of the David Mayer bottle