David Stevenson Brewing Co

Business Type: Brewery (NY 500 a-e)

Years of Operation: 1851 to 1920

Location: 519/521 10th Ave. & 501/503 West 39th St. Manhattan

Description: David Stevenson started his brewery in 1851, in the earlier years of business Stevenson exclusively produced ales but over time began brewing lager beer and porter as well. Stevenson passed away in 1886 leaving the business to be run by David Stevenson Jr. (who unfortunately passed away in 1892) leaving an outside company responsible for management of the Brewery. One Hundred Years of Brewing (H.S. Rich & Co. 1903) details the growth of this brewery and notes that by 1902 they produced nearly 140,000 barrels a year.

This is a common David Stevenson Brewing Co. bottle, it is heavily embossed with what looks to be an elaborate D.S.B.C.o. monogram.
This is another slightly less common clear colored David Stevenson Brewing Co. bottle w/ brewery name and address embossed