Edebohls & Bohlen Excelsior Lager Bier
Business Type: Beer Bottler
Years of Operation: 1878 to 1879
Location: 358 & 360 Hart St Brooklyn
Description: Henry Edebohls & George Bohlen ran a bottling business as partners for a short period of time. Business records only show the company operating two years 1878 to 1879. Although the partnership seemed to be short lived, records from the 1870’s/80’s show both Henry Edebohls and George Bohlen are listed as running their own independent bottling companies, each of which can be seen using the “Excelsior Lager Beer” brand/name in advertised on their bottles. (See: George Bohlen Excelsior Lager Bier & Henry Edebohls Excelsior Lager Bier)