Geo. Ehret’s Lager Beer (Hell’s Gate Brewery)
Business Type: Brewery (NY 386a)
Years of Operation: 1866 to 1927
Location: 92nd St. Between 2nd & 3rd Ave’s. Manhattan
Description: George Ehret was among one of the largest names in the Manhattan brewing industry and would grow to become one of the largest in the Country. Ehret, an immigrant from Germany came to the US in 1857 and began working as a brewer for Anton Hupfel. Ehret went out on his own in 1866 and started George Ehret’s “Hells Gate Brewery”. 100 Years of Brewing explains that the name of the brewery originated from the location being next to a dangerous waterway/passage in the East River which was called Hell’s Gate at the time. Ehret’s brewery which was known for it’s lager beer grew quickly in popularity and by 1874 they were producing over 100,000 barrels a year. Ehret’s business would continue to grow and by 1900 they produced upwards of 600,000 barrels a year. When Ehret passed away in 1927 his estate was said to be worth $40 million.