J. Geo. Grauer Rigewood Park Brewery

Business Type: Brewery (NY 94 a & b)

Years of Operation: 1891 to 1910

Location: Willow & Cypress Ave’s, Brooklyn

Description: Information about this brewery can be found in One Hundred Years of Brewing (H.S. Rich & Co., 1903). According to this publication, “In December, 1891, the Ridgewood Park Brewery, of Brooklyn (Evergreen), New York, placed it’s first brew on the market. J. George Grauer, the proprietor is a native of Wurttemberg, coming to America when a youth”. This brewery was located on the border of Brooklyn & Queens and can be found listed Brooklyn Ridgewood (Queens) or Evergreen (Queens) depending on where you look.

This is the only variation of this bottle I have seen, in addition to the J. Geo. Grauer name it is also embossed with a detailed trademark (G.G. monogram w/ eagle flying through)