John Eichler Brewing Co
Business Type: Brewery (NY 387 a,b,c & NY 429 b-e)
Years of Operation: 1859 to 1947
Location: 3rd Ave & 169th Street, Bronx (previous Manhattan location see below)
Description: John Eichler who would go on to found this brewery was born in Bavaria in 1829. After learning the brewing trade in Germany he moved to the United States in 1853 and became brewmaster at Jacob Ruppert’s Brewery in NYC. Several years later Eichler would start his own business, The John Eichler Brewery which was initially located in Manhattan on West 60th Street at the corner of 9th Ave. According to American Breweries II (Van Wieren, 1995) the year was approximately 1859. In 1865 the brewery moved to a new location in the Morrisania section of the Bronx. Eichlers brewery was successful and underwent several expansions over the years to keep up with demand for their beer. In 1888 during one such expansion a large refrigeration building was added and again in 1897 the brewery expanded by adding it’s own bottling department. Although John Eichler died in 1899 his company would continue to operate until 1947 when it was taken over by Leibmann Breweries.