John Kress Brewing Co
Business Type: Brewery (NY 346 d,f)
Years of Operation: 1863 to 1904
Location: 207 -224 East 54th Street, Manhattan
Description: This Brewery was started by John Kress, a German brewer who came to American in 1850. Upon arriving in New York City Kress partnered with Christian Schaefer and the two opened a brewery in 1853 called “Kress & Schaefer” (The brewery would not not be named “John Kress Brewing Co.” until 1884). Besides producing lager beer Kress was also known for brewing Weiner beer. One Hundred Years of Brewing (H.S. Rich & Co. 1903) has an interesting quote on page 256: “(Kress) resided for some time in Vienna, until he had mastered all the details of brewing celebrated Weiner beer. Returning to New York he was, it is said, the first to manufacture this beverage in America. In 1876 his establishment took several prizes at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia”. In 1904 the brewery would change ownership and names becoming “Jetter Brewing Co.”