Louis Grautegein Brooklyn Garden Lager Bier

Business Type: Bottling Company

Years of Operation: 1871 to 1875

Location: 5 Willoughby Street, Brooklyn

Description: This bottling company can be found listed in Antique Beer Bottles of Old New York (Guest, G 2004). According to this publication Louis Grautegein was listed as a beer bottler of ale, porter & lager at 5 Willoughby Street from 1873 to 1874. Grautegein is also listed as operating multiple other businesses including liquor sales, billiards, restaurants & saloons.

One side of this bottle is embossed “Louis Grautegein 5 Willoughby St”
On the reverse side the bottle is embossed “Brooklyn Garden Lager Bier” this may have been a brand of beer at the time, there is another bottler “PH. Schweickert” whose bottle has the same embossing