New York & Brooklyn Brewing Co.

Business Type: Brewery (NY 106 c)

Years of Operation: 1882 to 1915

Location: 48-60 Scholes, Lorimer & Bushwick Ave. Brooklyn

Description: Several sources list New York & Brooklyn Brewing Co. as opening in 1882. However, according to the following excerpt from One Hundred Years of Brewing it’s possible the business may have opened a few years later: “In December, 1888, Bernard Leavy and Thomas W. Sheridan founded an ale & porter brewery in Brooklyn and thus established the business of New York & Brooklyn Brewing Co”. Although not much additional information could be found about the early years, it is very well documented that New York & Brooklyn Brewing Co. merged with nearby Consumers Park Brewing Co. in January of 1913. Once the consolidation took place the business was renamed the Interboro Brewing Co.

Clear crown top embossed NEW YORK & BR’KLYN BREWING COMPANY, MADE OF HOPS AND MALT ONLY, BROOKLYN, NY, also has picture of a beer keg
Amber crown top New York & Brooklyn Brewing co. Bottle
New York & Brooklyn Brewing Co. letterhead