Obermeyer & Leibmann’s Brewery

Business Type: Brewery

Years of Operation: 1868 to 1924

Location: Bremen St. Brooklyn

Description: Obermeyer & Liebmann’s was started by Joseph Liebmann & David Obermeyer both relatives (Son-in-laws) of Samuel Liebmann (See: S. Liebmann’s Sons). Obermeyer & Liebmann’s would grow into a large well known brewery in Brooklyn and interestingly enough would expand to build another plant in Havana, Cuba. Obermeyer & Liebmann’s only produced lager beer.

This is a very common variation of the O & L bottle
Porcelain O & L stopper
This variation which says “Brooklyn NY” seems to be less common compared to the other variation listed with “New York City” embossment
Porcelain stopper w/ address
Obermeyer & Liebmann’s label