S. Liebmann’s Son’s Brewing

Business Type: Brewery

Years of Operation: 1884 to 1920

Location: 36 Forrest St. Brooklyn

Description: S. Liebmann & Son’s became one of the largest and most popular establishments with a history dating back to the original brewery started by Samuel Liebmann is 1854 which in 1870 changed names to S. Liebmann’s Son’s Brewing Co. In early years the brewery produced around 2,000 barrels of beer a year steadily increasing output throughout the late 1800’s with an eventual output of 200,000 barrels/ yr by the turn of the century. In 1902 S. Liebmann’s Son’s acquired nearby Claus Lipsius Brewing Co. Eventually, this brewery would continue to grow also acquiring Welz & Zerweck & Obermeyer & Liebmann. The company changed names to Liebmann Breweries and in 1964 once again to Rhinegold Brewery until closing in 1976.

Wurtzburger labelled bottle w/ embossed S. Leibmann’s Son’s logo
Rheingold Beer labelled crown top bottle w/ embossed S. Leibmann’s Son’s logo
Early crown top S. Liebmann’s bottle
S. Liebmann’s Son’s Advertisement