Sardins Atlantic Weiss Beer Brewery

Business Type: Brewery (NY 351 a)

Years of Operation: 1878-1879

Location: Atlantic & Wycoff Street, East New York (Brooklyn)

Description: This Brewery opened in 1878 and closed the very next year. It can be found listed under NY 351a in American Breweries II (Van Wieren, 1995). The only other information that could be found is the below excerpt from Antique Beer Bottles of Old New York (Guest, 2004): “Philip Leopold Sardin was born in Germany in 1832 and founded the brewery. Unfortunately, the brewery was destroyed by fire the year after it opened and was never re-built”.

This is the only variation I have seen from this brewery. It is interesting in that it is inscribed with much more text than many other stoneware bottles from NY. The bottle reads: SARDINS, ATLANTIC WEISS BEER BREWERY, ATLANTIC & WYCOFF ST. EAST NEW YORK”