J. Chr. Hupfel Brewing Co.
Business Type: Brewery (NY 465f,g,h)
Years of Operation: 1883 to 1920
Location: 223 to 229 East 38th St. Manhattan
Description: The history of this location dates back to 1854 when Anton Hupfel and several other partners began a brewery (one of which was John Roemmel whom the business was named after). After several changes in name and modifications to the partnership Hupfel eventually took control of the brewery and re-named it J. Chr. G. Hupfel in 1883. At the same time Anton Hupfel owned and operated another brewery at 161st St. & 3rd Ave. in the Bronx named A. Hupfel’s Sons. Eventually Anton’s Son (named J. Chr. Hupfel) would take over this brewery on 38th St in Manhattan and Hupfel’s other Son Adolpf would go on to run the 161st St. brewery in the Bronx.