A & W Feyh
Business Type: Brewery (NY 400)
Years of Operation: 1863 to 1869
Location: 266 Williams Street. Brooklyn
Description: Previously this location was previously home to William Feyh’s brewery from 1858 to 1863. Thereafter, the name is changed to A & W Feyh (Adrian & William Feyh) according to Antique Beer Bottles of Old New York (Guest, Gary, 2004) A & W Feyh was listed as a brewery at this location from 1863 to 1869 when Adrian Feyh completely took over the business. From 1869 to 1892 the location operated as Adrian Feyh’s Weiss Beer Brewery. Although not much additional information could be found it can be presumed that A&W Feyh likely produced Weiss Beer.