Bavarian Star Brewing Co

Business Type: Brewery (NY 487 d)

Years of Operation: 1891 to 1897

Location: 232 to 242 West 18th St, Manhattan

Description: The brewery at this location dates back to the Smith Brothers Brewery opened in 1852. After a few changes of name/ownership the location became home to Bavarian Star Brewing Co. in 1891. Although ale, porter & stout were produced in earlier years at this location Bavarian Star began to specialize in lager beer putting it’s first refrigerating machine in 1895 (H.S. Rich & Co. 1903). In 1897 the business was taken over by The Colonial Brewery. Note that the address embossed on the bottle is on W. 17th St., this was likely the address of the bottling plant as the brewery was actually located on W. 18th St.

This is one of two variations I have seen. The other variation has a star logo embossed on it.
This variant is embossed w/ the brewery name: Bavarian Star Brewing Co. and 5 pointed star trademark (center of star has two beer kegs pictured)