Joseph Eppig’s Brewery

Business Type: Brewery

Years of Operation: 1889 to 1915

Location: 176 Grove Street, Brooklyn

Description: Until 1888 Joseph Eppig, an immigrant from Bavaria worked at his Uncle’s establishment “Leonhard Eppig’s Brewery”. After gaining experience working in the brewmaster role Joseph left to start his own business with Frank Ibert another prominent brewer in Brooklyn. The Ibert / Eppig partnership was short lived, lasting just a year. Now completely on his own Eppig formed “Joseph Eppig’s Brewery” in 1889. The brewery was successful and remained in business over 25 years. In addition to to this Joseph Eppig also opened a summer resort on Idelwild Island in Jamaica Bay, the hotel ultimately closed when New York City began using the other nearby islands and waterways as a dumping ground for garbage. Idelwild island was eventually transformed into JFK International Airport.

This is the most common variant I have come across, embossed “JOSEPH EPPIG’S BREWERY” w/ the standard eagle carrying beer keg logo (Blob top version)
This variant embossed “JOS. EPPIG’S BREWERY” has the brewery’s trademark eagle carrying a beer keg.
 This is the most common variant I have come across, embossed “JOSEPH EPPIG’S BREWERY” w/ the standard eagle carrying beer keg logo  (crown top version)
Clear variant w/ slug plate embossed “JOSEPH EPPIG’S BREWERY”