Golden Horn Brewing Co.

Business Type: Brewery (NY 114 d)

Years of Operation: 1903 to 1906

Location: 3rd Ave & 96th St, Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn

Description: Founder George Apfel originally named the brewery after himself in 1897 but upon adding partner Klueg the name was changed again. By 1903 Apfel & Klueg made a final name change to “Golden Horn Brewing Co.” and operated until the brewery was sold to Conrad Eurich in 1906 and became “Fort Hamilton Brewing Co” (this was a second location for Eurich). When writing about this location in “Breweries of Brooklyn”, Will Anderson makes remarks about the unusual location stating “All other pre-Prohibition Brooklyn breweries were located fairly near Manhattan, generally in Bushwick, Williamsburgh or old Brooklyn. Golden Horn however was located in southern Bay Ridge, very close to Fort Hamilton and todays Verrazano-Narrows Bridge”.

Here is an aqua color version of this bottle. The trademark is a “Golden Horn” surrounded by a large “A” which I would assume is for founder’s last name: Apfel
This is a very similar clear colored version of the Golden Horn bottle
Apfel-Klug Golden Horn Stopper